Combining nature's most potent ingredients to protect against and repair signs of aging, our Night Cream brings together the antioxidant power of red wine grapes with the superior moisturizing abilities of argan oil.
Grape Seed Extract (Vitis Vinifera)
An excellent source of vitamins E and C, as well as complex polyphenols that bind to collagen and help rebuild the cross-links among the fibers reversing damage caused by free radical attack. Grape Seed extract acts as an alpha-hydroxy acid (AHA), which works to nourish and strengthen the skin cells, particularly the collagen and elastin structures. Research shows that when grape seed extract is applied to skin prior to UV light exposure, the compounds may have a sunscreen effect, helping to reduce redness and damage to cells.
Resveratrol (Pischi/Resveratrol)
Resveratrol is produced by plants to help fight infection and acts as an antibacterial and antifungal agent. Used topically in this bio-available form, Resveratrol stimulates healthy cell renewal and boosts collagen by protecting the dermal matrix from harmful enzymes and improving the function of fibroblasts that create healthy collagen. The anti-inflammatory properties combined with powerful antioxidants, make resveratrol highly effective in combating the damaging effect of free radicals that leads to skin aging.
Rutin (Rutinyl Disulfate)
An antioxidant rich flavanoid, rutin aids in proper absorption and function of vitamin C, one of the vitamins critical to maintaining collagen.
Barley (Hordeum Distichon)
Contains high concentration of trace elements including selenium, manganese, and zinc which act as catalysts to promote the effectiveness of antioxidative enzymes in the skin. In this way, free radicals are prevented or deactivated more quickly.
- See more at: http://kahina-givingbeauty.com/?p=11601&preview=true#sthash.bMTyUIKp.dpuf