This Fall is the first September in 20 years that I haven't participated in the "back to school" ritual for my eldest, Grace. Grace graduated from Skidmore University in June and is now starting her career as the graphic designer for KAHINA™. I feel incredibly proud, and am reminded of the good fortune we have had to be able to take advantage of the educational opportunities available to us. It is my hope and expectation that Grace will use her education to shape her life as she wills, shed light on ignorance and be part of the conversation surrounding the future of our country.
In rural Morocco, it is rare for a young girls to have similar options. Most girls aren't able to complete their studies beyond the third grade, as there are few schools in the countryside that they can attend. Their parents cannot afford to send them away to live, and don't feel comfortable having their girls live on their own. Too often, their only aspiration can be to marry a boy from a neighboring village. Education for All, Morocco, offers girls from rural Morocco the chance to continue their schooling by providing free and safe boarding homes for girls close to primary schools. Founded as a single boarding home in 2007, Education for All now has five boarding homes and is seeing several of its girls off to university, the first in their families to do so.
WIth your help, KAHINA™ has been able to help ten girls finish their education through Education For All. We send all the girls congratulations and especially wish good luck to those girls entering their first year of University!