Skincare Concerns
Won’t oil clog my pores?
Argan Oil is easily absorbed into the skin and won’t clog pores. Some other oils, such as mineral oil, should be avoided as it sits on the surface of the skin without penetrating and has no cosmetic value.
Are Kahina products suitable for pregnant women?
You couldn’t find anything more suitable for a pregnant woman. Putting pure organics on your skin and in your body is most important when considering the health of your baby. It is also recommended to use sunscreen on the skin when pregnant, as you are often more photosensitive.
I use a day cream that has AHA and a Retin-A cream at night. Do I put these creams on after I apply the Argan Oil? I’m concerned that the oil will block the other creams from absorbing.
On the alternate nights you don’t use Retin-A, you can apply the oil. Or if you use Retin-A every night, you should apply that first, wait 10-15 minutes and then massage Argan Oil into your skin. This can help balance the drying effects of Retin-A and be very soothing without being counterproductive to the benefits of vitamin A. As far as the morning, you could put a drop or two of Argan Oil into your cream for more hydration on days you feel like you need it.
Can I use Kahina Giving Beauty products with trentinoin?
Yes. The Kahina Giving Beauty line will be a great complement to the stronger products you’re using. Trentinoin can of course be very drying and make the skin sensitive. Apply the Serum and then Facial Lotion after cleansing. The Eye Cream would be a great addition because it’s soothing and hydrating.
Will argan oil help my eczema?
Eczema varies in severity and can range from just mild itching and redness to skin so dry it is cracked, oozing and very sensitive. Most people initially treat the problem with the traditional medication of hydrocortisone cream, however this can build up toxins in the body and loses it efficacy over time.
Eczema needs hydration and also needs calming to soothe the inflammation and redness. Argan Oil provides relief to both of these symptoms as well as providing tons of antioxidants to help heal and prevent the eczema from returning. In addition to the great benefits of the Argan Oil, it’s important to look at your diet and to keep your immunity strong for the greatest chances of overcoming the symptoms of eczema.
I am in love with the Kahina product line; the facial lotion has completely changed my skin, which now is porcelain-like. As I try to incorporate more of your products into my routine, I do not know what to do about the exfoliation part of it. I know the mask offers some exfoliation benefits, but are these enough to comply with that aspect of skincare?
I’m so happy to hear that you love our products and have had such good results. Our Facial Cleanser is designed to gently exfoliate using papaya enzymes. The Antioxidant Mask is a good twice/weekly supplement to get a physical exfoliation from the rhassoul clay (hectorite) as well as a gentle botanical exfoliation from natural lactic acid.